I pressed each button multiple times. The volume button when pressed would begin to stick from the front of my computer like the dvd player on the other side. I pressed that button the most. The whirring sound it made pleased me like a 2 year old child. I wasn.t ashamed. Soon the button began to readjust my computer screen, producing a sound i didn.t like at all. My screen was broken and it was trying to fix it. I tried to mend my broken baby by reconnecting the top of the screen together. Purple and black machinery protruded from both sides. I tried with the little strength i had to connect the two pieces that looked like lego bionicle peices. They fit perfectly. But the fancy C was yet to be found.
I found myself at the top of my high school staircase, though it seemed much larger than i remembered. I ventured down the stairs with confidence, passing by both friends and acquaintances without stopping with a simple hello. I.d breeze pass each girl i saw with a pompous glance, knowing i was so much better than them. The path down the stairs seemed never-ending as i tirelessly followed them down to the ground floor. I was looking for a familiar door to a familiar classroom of a teacher i needed. One who could cure me of my woe and show me the way to the fancy letter C.
I found the crowded classroom and walked in with caution. It looked like a drama room filled with junk. I sat in the seat closest to the front and failed to notice that i had never seen the classroom before, or the bespectacled teacher with the creepy smile and curly brown hair. She seemed busy so i waited for her to be done. To ease my boredom i pulled out an old yearbook to skim through the pages, something i couldn.t due for too long due to an unwelcome interruption. Someone poked my shoulder, it was a girl i had known since middle school. Not a friend but not a foe. She asked to see the yearbook, it was of the utmost importance. I answered with a stern no, i was reading it. She didn.t give up. I eventually did.
The song River Flows In You by Yiruma was playing in the background. I loved this song and didn.t want it to end. Though i was becoming impatient, the song seemed to soothe me. I asked a boy i knew next to me when i.d be able to talk to the teacher. He told me if i had something to say, i.d need to take the red-banded microphone and say it in front of the class. I stood up and grabbed a black micrphone and tapped it against my palm to test the sound. The class then roared that i was using the wrong mic. I turned around to find the right one. The busy teacher stood next to me but continued to ignore me. I walked past her to what seemed like a small junk fort. A woman with long blonde hair and black glasses sat in the cramped fort topless, looking down at a clipboard. I tried not to stare at her small shriveled breasts that made me exceedingly uncompfortable. I found the black microphone with the red band around it and turned to the classroom, ready to make my request...
I woke up before i could find that cursed fancey C.
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